Fun Find | Sigma Spa Brush Cleaning Glove Dupe/Alternative #2

Fun Find | Sigma Spa Brush Cleaning Glove Dupe/Alternative #2

22th December2014
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Fun Find | Sigma Spa Brush Cleaning Glove Dupe/Alternative #2 Image
Alright, here is another cool tool you can use to clean your makeup brushes. :D :D

Review | Sephora VIP PASS Palette

Review | Sephora VIP PASS Palette

18th December2014
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'Skip the line and get the VIP treatment! This selection of 8 coordinated eyeshadows comes in a trendy, limited edition case that fits in any purse of glamour on the go.'  While browsing the holiday gift aisles of Sephora last month, I came across this tiny little palette and decided to have some swatches. The price caught my

Review | Maybelline The Rocket Volum'Express Mascara

Review | Maybelline The Rocket Volum'Express Mascara

09th December2014
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Review | Maybelline The Rocket Volum'Express Mascara Image
I'm so behind the hype, but let's do this - my takes on Maybelline The Rocket Volum' Express Mascara

Fun Find | Sigma Spa Brush Cleaning Glove Dupe/Alternative #1

Fun Find | Sigma Spa Brush Cleaning Glove Dupe/Alternative #1

05th December2014
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Fun Find | Sigma Spa Brush Cleaning Glove Dupe/Alternative #1 Image
By now, you've probably heard of the Sigma Spa Brush Cleaning Glove made from silicone. It retails at $35 on Sigma website and RM112.00 on Luxola. I haven't tried the Sigma and I would never want to pay such amount of money for it. Through a fellow beauty lover on Instagram, I found an affordable alternative to the textured silicone



29th November2014
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Johor - Melaka Taken on the same day, using an IPhone, w/o any filters. At some point, I realized that stormy days opened up opportunities for amazing clouds, especially during sunset times. :)

Product Empties | #3 (2014)

Product Empties | #3 (2014)

24th November2014
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Product Empties | #3 (2014) Image
I've been trying to make my way through my beauty stash this time and used up product I already own before buying the new ones. As you can see, it's quite a pile this time, with so many body cares and product samples.

Review | Stila In The Light Palette

Review | Stila In The Light Palette

14th November2014
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Hi All :) I hope you had a great November so far. I'm here today with a little review of the Stila In The Light Palette that I purchased a while back when I was first introduced to this cosmetic brand. 

Haul | My First Luxola Purchased

Haul | My First Luxola Purchased

03th November2014
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Haul | My First Luxola Purchased Image
Today I've got a mini haul from an online shopping website to share. 

Sephora Limited Edition Lip Pouch

Sephora Limited Edition Lip Pouch

13th October2014
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Sephora Limited Edition Lip Pouch Image
If you love lippie, this is definitely one not to be missed. 

Most Loved #1

Most Loved #1

09th October2014
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Most Loved #1 Image
So, I'm now giving you my first ever monthly most used / favourites write-up,  the September Edition!

Review | theBalm 'Mary-Lou Manizer'

Review | theBalm 'Mary-Lou Manizer'

17th September2014
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I believe a lot of people have heard, seen and owned this highlighter from The Balm by now, kan? kan? Actually it's insane how I dragged for a year passing by SASA outlets, swatching the highlighter on the back of my hand and just admiring it without really getting one for my own use. I think it's simple

Product Empties | #2 (2014)

Product Empties | #2 (2014)

04th September2014
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Product Empties | #2 (2014) Image
Another month gone by, it's time to share my pile of empties. I love getting to the bottom of the product, just seeing all these empty bottles and containers makes me feel proud. I have to say that I tried hard to use every single of them in my stash until they're finished because I hardly even finish

Review | Clinelle Pure Swiss Thermal Spring Water

Review | Clinelle Pure Swiss Thermal Spring Water

28th August2014
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Review | Clinelle Pure Swiss Thermal Spring Water Image
I've been aware of these 'thermal spring waters' for a while now and considered purchasing a few times but always found it ended up not being into my basket. I even included 'Avene Eau Spring Water' on my drugstore wishlist (here). After all, I believe thermal spring waters really isn't an essential skin care product and always been sceptical about it even though I've always wanted

Review | Purevivi Cleansing Lotion - A Bioderma Dupe?

Review | Purevivi Cleansing Lotion - A Bioderma Dupe?

14th August2014
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Review | Purevivi Cleansing Lotion - A Bioderma Dupe? Image
Before discovering cleansing waters, I always used the typical bi-phase makeup remover. Specifically, Maybelline and Silky Girl makeup removers. Both wonderfully worked well except that they left an oily film on my eyes area and skin - very, very greasy. I also tried Camomile Gentle Eye Makeup Remover from The Body Shop and repurchased it but the one came

Travel Makeup Bag | Raya Edition

Travel Makeup Bag | Raya Edition

01th August2014
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Travel Makeup Bag | Raya Edition Image
Hello everyone!  Sorry for the hiatus status. I am lacking some motivation in writing and hope to get back to my flow as I have a lot of drafts and reviews that I haven't published. Anyway, it's the 4th of Raya/Eid in Malaysia and I'm having so much fun visiting, travelling, relaxing and eating. *Gains weight*. *tears*. That aside, I decided

Review | Sephora White Card Birthday Gift 2014

Review | Sephora White Card Birthday Gift 2014

19th July2014
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Review | Sephora White Card Birthday Gift 2014 Image
Every year Sephora celebrates all of their loyal customers by offering a free gift during the month of your birthday, if you are a Sephora White card holder! It was the first a day in May when I received an email from them wishing me Happy Birthday with a redeemable coupon of their lip gloss set. Any white card

DIY | Japanese Decoden Phone Case

DIY | Japanese Decoden Phone Case

15th July2014
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DIY | Japanese Decoden Phone Case  Image
Decoden can be basically applied to anything. If you remember my posts from here and here, I already tried it on different materials and surfaces.  One fine day my brain decided to go back to the creative trail and this happened. As much as I think things like this doesn't really suits my age and personality - I'm

Recipe | Chocolate Brownies

Recipe | Chocolate Brownies

13th July2014
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Recipe | Chocolate Brownies  Image
Greetings everyone!  What have you been baking lately?  Today I thought of sharing with you a recipe that I always use to make brownie. I am still searching for my go-to brownie recipe. This, however might be it at the moment since I have made countless batches!  Here's a good thing to begin with ...

Wishlist #2 | 2014 Drugstore Wishlist

Wishlist #2 | 2014 Drugstore Wishlist

08th July2014
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Wishlist #2 | 2014 Drugstore Wishlist  Image
Hello. I'm back for another Wishlist Post. My first wishlist was posted over almost a year ago! although my wishlist was actually endless and I could write about so many products I'd love to try. Recently I've been eyeing for quite some products from drugstore/high-street/pharmacy stores. Having a list like this helps in preventing me not to buy

The Lilac Box | Elizabeth Arden Concept Box

The Lilac Box | Elizabeth Arden Concept Box

05th July2014
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The Lilac Box | Elizabeth Arden Concept Box Image
This year I've decided to expand my blog to include more of my many passions. As you may have noticed, my love for beauty, makeup and skincare has been quite an affair these passed months. I thought it'd be fun to start sharing another new adventures here with you guys.  The month of June was my first experience

Review | Soap & Glory Scrub 'Em And Leave 'Em

Review | Soap & Glory Scrub 'Em And Leave 'Em

28th June2014
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Review | Soap & Glory Scrub 'Em And Leave 'Em Image
Soap & Glory have a lot of body scrubs and all of them smell so good and the packaging are cute! I have made no secret of my love for this brand especially products fragranced with Mist You Madley's. I'm in the middle of using the shower gel, love it!, hence it comes with no surprise I absolutely adore this body scrub

DIY | No Sew Felt Bow Tutorial

DIY | No Sew Felt Bow Tutorial

26th June2014
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DIY | No Sew Felt Bow Tutorial Image
Hello! I would like to share with you a super quick tutorial for felt bow. This are fun and fast to make; it should take you less than 10 minutes. I promise you no sewing required and it costs almost next to nothing!  You will need...

Product Empties | #1 (2014)

Product Empties | #1 (2014)

22th June2014
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Product Empties | #1 (2014) Image
Before I decided to make a post on this, I have no idea how many beauty products I went through - until I started to collect them. I thought now would be a good time to put up my first product empties post. I will be sharing my quick thoughts and reviews on products I have completely used



17th June2014
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#KLIHF2014 Image
I went to the long awaited KL International Hijab Fair on last Sunday. It was such a huge, massive fest, with more than 250 vendors and exhibitors. The entrance ticket was RM1.00, which I was actually quite surprise they did charge us upon registration and entrance, I mean event like this is usually free at anywhere else. ;P I literally went

Haul | The Body Shop Sale 2014

Haul | The Body Shop Sale 2014

13th June2014
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Haul | The Body Shop Sale 2014 Image
The Body Shop had a massive good deal in store as well as on their website which up to 70% on selected items. As you may have noticed, this is one of my favourite brands when it comes to skincare and body products.  Couldn't miss the opportunity to stock up some delicious smelling goodies, I went ahead and

Photography | National Youth Festival 2014

Photography | National Youth Festival 2014

01th June2014
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Hashtag #nofilter When to Putrajaya last weekend for Festival Belia Putrajaya 2014.  I had fun, but didn't bother to take a lot of pictures.  #Malas.

Review | Soap & Glory CLEAN, GIRLS body wash.

Review | Soap & Glory CLEAN, GIRLS body wash.

18th May2014
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Review | Soap & Glory CLEAN, GIRLS body wash. Image
Ever since I trying the Clean on Me Shower Cream last year, I have love the brand. (Who doesn't ?) So, I went to Sephora and did a little cheeky purchase on products from the brand. I pick up 2 products which they both are in the same Miss You Madly range.  ヽ(´ー`)...

DIY | Make Your Own Chalkboard

DIY | Make Your Own Chalkboard

12th May2014
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Supplies : - Frame - Glass cleaner or alcohol - Chalk Paint (for best result - use black or dark green colour) - Foam Brush - Chalk 1) Take your existing frame and remove the glass.

Recipe | Lemon Cupcakes

Recipe | Lemon Cupcakes

10th April2014
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Haven't baked for awhile, so I made lemon cupcakes with a cream cheese lemon frosting. I used simple, everyday ingredients that you can find in the kitchen. the recipe was adapted from Sally's Baking. I wanted my cupcakes to be slightly moist rather than buttery, instead of using butter, I substituted it with canola oil and they still

DIY | Giving Bokeh a Whirl?

DIY | Giving Bokeh a Whirl?

03th April2014
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DIY | Giving Bokeh a Whirl? Image
"Bokeh? Bokeh ni apa?" tanya saya tanpa segan pilu.  "Bokehlah, benda-benda photography ni kau mana tau" jawab Haziq tanpa menoleh, lalu terus memetik butang shutter pada camera.  Cis, kurang ajar, konon pro lah tu. Saya tahulah saya newbie. Kamera pun baru sahaja dibeli di Plaza Lowyat dengan menggunakan wang simpanan di tabung. Tidak sampai dua bulan usianya. Saya

Baby steps

Baby steps

26th March2014
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Baby steps Image
I'm actually taking orders of macarons upon request to kick start my small business for 2014. At the moment orders are only for close friends and relatives, but I might open it to all, soon. :) Why macaron? Because it's challenging yet so interesting and I have high passions of making it, lol.  So far.. I already made more

2013 Worldstage?

2013 Worldstage?

25th March2014
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Super duper late post, but I recently transferred all the pictures in my digital camera onto pc. I took pictures with my old digital camera during worldstage then completely forgot that I did that.  I like how we were among the first to listen to 'havoc' a picture of exo photobombed by a security guard. 

Recipe | Crispy Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies

Recipe | Crispy Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies

19th February2014
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Recipe | Crispy Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies Image
Cookies are one of the most favourite and popular leisure time snack. They come with hundreds of choices on the supermarket shelves to choose from. I think we can all agree that the chocolate chip cookie is the most beloved cookie of all, can't we?  I baked a batch of chocolate chip cookies and the recipe was inspired by

First Experience - Baking French Macarons

First Experience - Baking French Macarons

07th February2014
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hashtag #pencapaianhidup Have you tried macaron before? The first time I ate it was already like 2 years ago. My cousin brought a pretty box full with colourful macarons from Lisa Suriahani's photoshoot ke apa ntah lupa, they were freaking sweet! Not being a sweet tooth myself, I remember that I did not like them. That explained why