Big Bad Wolf Haul Part II

Big Bad Wolf Haul Part II

25th December2012
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I thought of separating my haul with my wtf- post. Heh. .... Raided the Big Bad Wolf Sale again on last Sunday. My bro and I went there as early as 6.30am from Melaka. Pergi Big Bad Wolf Sale sangat best. Lagi best kalau bawa banyak duit. Taraa, when there on their second day of opening, and forgot

Big Bad Wolf Haul Part I

Big Bad Wolf Haul Part I

09th December2012
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Just wanna share my haul during Bid Bad Wolf sale recently,  aww yess, lauren conrad's ... ! Fallen by Lauren Kate, I've been eyeing on this book for so long, and I got it for RM 8, so a big yeah!  /will update this post later. hehe. 

DIY | Decoden & Resin Bottle Caps

DIY | Decoden & Resin Bottle Caps

30th November2012
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I have never made a Decoden creation before, but I finally did! (A quick and impromtu d.i.y) Messy, I know. :( Can't do much since I had a hard time squeezing out silicon from the tube, and I didn't have fancy charms to decorate on). The silicon was a bit fast-drying, so it didn't help in giving the

Tag | Beauty Gurus

Tag | Beauty Gurus

19th November2012
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Back then, I know nothing about makeup. When I bought, what I did was to keep them inside my drawer instead of using. I didn't know the exact techniques of applying them. My eyeshadow routine only consisted of 1 colour for the most, which I hardly put it on. Blushes? uhm I got one in a shade. Makeup

DIY | Easy Decorative Storage Jar

DIY | Easy Decorative Storage Jar

16th November2012
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you know, just little things that can be found around your house and they can be really helpful in creating something :D be creative.  so, this decorated jar is really easy to do and it's a great way to store anything,  all you have to do is to get yourself any size/shape/type of jar, some nail polishes, stickers,

Haul | Room makeover

Haul | Room makeover

01th November2012
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bought these items for my room. yay. a makeover. let's.

sneak peak

sneak peak

31th October2012
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sneak peak  Image
October 2012, sending to Yoon, South Korea.

Snail Mail

Snail Mail

29th October2012
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Received these from Yoon, South Korea. and I'm waiting for Sam's letter. Hehe. I love Snail Mail

Fan account (lah sangat) ;

Fan account (lah sangat) ;

15th October2012
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Oh I updated this post, so it's more details lol 1. Lee Hyun Woo -  Depart A quick update! Just reached home from KLIA sending Lee Hyunwoo for his depart to Singapore. Still tired.  He came around 8.30, but he just stayed inside the Alphard for like 20 minutes? after all his unnirs and oppars checked in, then

Recipe | How to make Kimchi

Recipe | How to make Kimchi

11th October2012
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 fresh chinese cabbage cabbage in salted water.  now a bit of waiting time.  ( mine was after 4 hours lol ) a bit of water, red pepper powder, scallions, minced garlic (7-9) and ginger (1 inch),  fish oil (2 table spoons), sugar (1 table spoon) Put them into an air-tight container, sit them at room temperature for 24

blueberry cheese cake auwwmmm