Review | Sephora White Card Birthday Gift 2014

Review | Sephora White Card Birthday Gift 2014

19th July2014
By with 19 Comments
Review | Sephora White Card Birthday Gift 2014 Image
Every year Sephora celebrates all of their loyal customers by offering a free gift during the month of your birthday, if you are a Sephora White card holder! It was the first a day in May when I received an email from them wishing me Happy Birthday with a redeemable coupon of their lip gloss set. Any white card

DIY | Japanese Decoden Phone Case

DIY | Japanese Decoden Phone Case

15th July2014
By with 14 Comments
DIY | Japanese Decoden Phone Case  Image
Decoden can be basically applied to anything. If you remember my posts from here and here, I already tried it on different materials and surfaces.  One fine day my brain decided to go back to the creative trail and this happened. As much as I think things like this doesn't really suits my age and personality - I'm

Recipe | Chocolate Brownies

Recipe | Chocolate Brownies

13th July2014
By with 2 Comments
Recipe | Chocolate Brownies  Image
Greetings everyone!  What have you been baking lately?  Today I thought of sharing with you a recipe that I always use to make brownie. I am still searching for my go-to brownie recipe. This, however might be it at the moment since I have made countless batches!  Here's a good thing to begin with ...

Wishlist #2 | 2014 Drugstore Wishlist

Wishlist #2 | 2014 Drugstore Wishlist

08th July2014
By with 11 Comments
Wishlist #2 | 2014 Drugstore Wishlist  Image
Hello. I'm back for another Wishlist Post. My first wishlist was posted over almost a year ago! although my wishlist was actually endless and I could write about so many products I'd love to try. Recently I've been eyeing for quite some products from drugstore/high-street/pharmacy stores. Having a list like this helps in preventing me not to buy

The Lilac Box | Elizabeth Arden Concept Box

The Lilac Box | Elizabeth Arden Concept Box

05th July2014
By with 0 Comments
The Lilac Box | Elizabeth Arden Concept Box Image
This year I've decided to expand my blog to include more of my many passions. As you may have noticed, my love for beauty, makeup and skincare has been quite an affair these passed months. I thought it'd be fun to start sharing another new adventures here with you guys.  The month of June was my first experience