Recipe | Quick and Easy Salad Recipe

Recipe | Quick and Easy Salad Recipe

26th June2013
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which you can eat alone with dressing, or simply fit them into a tortilla wrap I always love making this salad. Senang, and it is healthy too. I don't have any specific tortilla recipe to follow, because you can just mixed anything together - your left over chicken, shrimp, scramble eggs, and mix together with the salad. Be

Recipe | Red Velvet Cake

Recipe | Red Velvet Cake

26th June2013
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Recipe | Red Velvet Cake Image
Putting up this really feels like my blog is turning into a food blog -_- but it is such a satisfactions when ever  I managed to cook (good) food and took a (good) picture. /masuk bakul angkat sendiri..  Eherher. I'm busy trying out new recipes - from blogs and recipe books. I think it's good. For myself, and

Recipe | Banana Crumb Muffin

Recipe | Banana Crumb Muffin

15th June2013
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Recipe | Banana Crumb Muffin Image
Banana Muffin with Crumbly Brown Sugar and Cinnamon Tops (amboi nama glamor, padahal apam pisang je lol) Hey lovelies. It's the weekend, I thought of doing some baking again! Thanks to kawaiisweetworld on youtube for this soft, fluffy and moist banana muffin recipe tehehee. I made it using her recipe with a little bit of twist :> Muffin

Recipe | Smashed Potato with Gravy

Recipe | Smashed Potato with Gravy

08th June2013
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Recipe | Smashed Potato with Gravy Image
Welp, I just made mashed potato for the first time and it was pretty good! More or less like the KFC ones. Ha-ha. Anyway, I never thought it was so easy peasy to do! Giler kentang! ;P So here's the recipe peeps! Mashed Potato - 4 potatoes (medium size) - more or less depending how much you want

Wishlist | June 2013

Wishlist | June 2013

05th June2013
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            Wednesday's wishlist eah?.        1. Simple Cleansing Facial Wipes  It claims to be the best makeup removing wipes. No alcohol, no oil, no perfumes, no colour. I am pretty sure they have this in 2 types, which another one is for sensitive skin.  Saw this in Watson yesterday but didn't