A Yubiso Haul

A Yubiso Haul

26th October2016
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A Yubiso Haul Image
I don't know about you guys but I love value stores like Daiso, Kaison, Yubiso and MR DIY because they satisfy the urge to shop without destroying my budget. I'm okay with anything I buy from them since most of the items are of high quality despite being cheap. Think of something you can get from a Dollar Tree

Review | Sendayu Tinggi Doll Skin Foundation

Review | Sendayu Tinggi Doll Skin Foundation

15th October2016
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Review | Sendayu Tinggi Doll Skin Foundation Image
As I'm in the process of cleaning my makeup collection before the end of this month, I realised that I have yet to review this foundation. I tested it some time ago, made notes and saved my writing as a draft without actually working on publishing it. So here you go my fellow Malaysian beauty babes, my takes

Brand Focus | Ada Apa Dengan COSRX?

Brand Focus | Ada Apa Dengan COSRX?

07th October2016
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Brand Focus | Ada Apa Dengan COSRX? Image
cosrx.kr If you're into korean beauty, COSRX really needs no introduction. This brand has made quite the name for itself especially among redditors in Asian Beauty community. It is said to be more popular among Westerners rather than netizens of its own land. I kinda have to agree with this because I've noticed that some of the korean