Product Empties | #7 (2015)

Product Empties | #7 (2015)

23th September2015
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Product Empties | #7 (2015) Image
Oh, HELLO DURR EMPTIES POST! I thought of writing one and posting it a little early than the usual since I've finished more bits and bobs than I expected. From bodycare to skincare, I think I was doing a great job finishing the products before replacing them. I also went travelling a lot since Eid, so I've been

Review | Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion

Review | Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion

18th September2015
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Review | Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion Image
This kind of product isn't anything new to me since I've been using liquid primers on my eyelids for years. Primers are used to keep our eyeshadow on even longer and stop it from creasing. It also helps in making the colour to appear more bold and vibrant. Some primers are tinted and they can act as a

Review | Revlon Colorstay Foundation

Review | Revlon Colorstay Foundation

09th September2015
By with 20 Comments
Review | Revlon Colorstay Foundation Image
Okay guys, today's post is going to be this one foundation that I absolutely adore, but sadly, forgotten.  Why? Read more to find out. 

DIY | Bottled Nebula

DIY | Bottled Nebula

01th September2015
By with 14 Comments
DIY | Bottled Nebula  Image
I got inspired after watching Michelle Phan's recent DIY video and I just had to try making it myself.