Review | theBalm 'Mary-Lou Manizer'

Review | theBalm 'Mary-Lou Manizer'

17th September2014
By with 15 Comments
I believe a lot of people have heard, seen and owned this highlighter from The Balm by now, kan? kan? Actually it's insane how I dragged for a year passing by SASA outlets, swatching the highlighter on the back of my hand and just admiring it without really getting one for my own use. I think it's simple

Product Empties | #2 (2014)

Product Empties | #2 (2014)

04th September2014
By with 7 Comments
Product Empties | #2 (2014) Image
Another month gone by, it's time to share my pile of empties. I love getting to the bottom of the product, just seeing all these empty bottles and containers makes me feel proud. I have to say that I tried hard to use every single of them in my stash until they're finished because I hardly even finish