Book Review | Insurgent by Veronica Roth

Book Review | Insurgent by Veronica Roth

29th April2012
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I remember the day when I bought Divergent, just finished reading on Trylle Trilogy and was toooo free to do anything. I browsed some book reviews and came across Divergent. I wonder why everyone rated this book 4 to 5 stars, most of them w/ 5. So I was thinking why not giving it a try. I did. I bought

Book Review | Tryle Trilogy

Book Review | Tryle Trilogy

06th April2012
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“A couple of things made that day stand out more than any other: it was my birthday, and my mother was wielding a knife.”... I always have been in love reading paranormal romance genre, supernatural, fantasy, apocalyptic, alternate universe, or whatever you called it. People says vampires are lame, but I enjoy reading them.  So, I spent my

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