Recipe | Lemon Cupcakes

Recipe | Lemon Cupcakes

10th April2014
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Haven't baked for awhile, so I made lemon cupcakes with a cream cheese lemon frosting. I used simple, everyday ingredients that you can find in the kitchen. the recipe was adapted from Sally's Baking. I wanted my cupcakes to be slightly moist rather than buttery, instead of using butter, I substituted it with canola oil and they still

DIY | Giving Bokeh a Whirl?

DIY | Giving Bokeh a Whirl?

03th April2014
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DIY | Giving Bokeh a Whirl? Image
"Bokeh? Bokeh ni apa?" tanya saya tanpa segan pilu.  "Bokehlah, benda-benda photography ni kau mana tau" jawab Haziq tanpa menoleh, lalu terus memetik butang shutter pada camera.  Cis, kurang ajar, konon pro lah tu. Saya tahulah saya newbie. Kamera pun baru sahaja dibeli di Plaza Lowyat dengan menggunakan wang simpanan di tabung. Tidak sampai dua bulan usianya. Saya