Recipe | Chocolate Dipped Mandarin Slices

Recipe | Chocolate Dipped Mandarin Slices

21th January2014
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Chinese New Year is the best season to get Mandarin Oranges in cheap prices \o/. Pergi Tesco nampak limau, pergi Giant pun nampak limau. Heaven.  In this post, I'm going to share with you a simple twist to your regular Mandarin slices. Juicy Mandarin segments dipped with chocolate and sprinkles on top - (vitamin c with anti-oxidant you

2013 Goodreads Reading Challenge

2013 Goodreads Reading Challenge

20th January2014
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You see, I write far more drafts of blog posts than I actually publish. It's either because I'm lazy, or I just don't have the inspiration to finish writing them. As for 2014 onward, I'm planning to blog less on my personal / random thoughts and make this blog DIYs friendly. What do you guys think? Hehe. It might turn

DIY | Twine Wrapped Bottle

DIY | Twine Wrapped Bottle

03th January2014
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Who knew you could do so many beautiful things with empty bottles. I have been saving them for this kind of inspiration. This time DIY project is using twine, which definitely gives a rustic and vintage feelings. Honestly, I feel that this project is a little bit time consuming and you have to be patient for the wrapping

DIY | Washi Tape Project : Custom Phone Charger

DIY | Washi Tape Project : Custom Phone Charger

01th January2014
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DIY | Washi Tape Project : Custom Phone Charger Image
With all in my family having our own phones, it's easy to misplace my phone charger, cables and earphone or grab someone else's. Also this is a problem when I am staying and travelling with friends especially when we have the same type of phone.  Since this is probably one of the easiest and prettiest life hack I've learned, I