20s vs 30s - How My Makeup Has Changed Over The Years

20s vs 30s - How My Makeup Has Changed Over The Years

29th June2019
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20s vs 30s - How My Makeup Has Changed Over The Years Image
There comes a time, as I'm nearing to my 30s, I realise some things in my makeup regime has changed while others do stay the same. I have been ditching a few products along the way, some unbelievable make a comeback and there are a lot more to discover in the future. 

A Bookish Wrap-Up | Completing 2019 Goodreads Challenge in 5 Months

A Bookish Wrap-Up | Completing 2019 Goodreads Challenge in 5 Months

21th June2019
By with 5 Comments
A Bookish Wrap-Up | Completing 2019 Goodreads Challenge in 5 Months Image
I love participating in the annual Goodreads Challenge. I started it in 2013 and continue to do so until the recent date. This year, despite being busy with daily life activities, I've been able to complete my 2019 Goodreads Challenge of reading 30 books and I'm quite proud of it since this is the largest number of books